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Backgammon Masters: update 1.5.6

rules_11@2xDear players, we are happy to announce that our game became one of the first to support DICE+. DICE+ is a white electronic game dice with transparent borders. The dice can be connected via Bluetooth to a device which runs our app. Each DICE+ roll is registered on the device. The dice has a few sensors to detect the rolls and their power and if the roll was unfair. One side can be moved to reveal a connection slot to USB for charging. The developers of this device, friends from Poland, have informed us that once you charge the dice you can play for 20 hours. The dice has 6 LED displays on each side and can display many colors. Playing with DICE+ in the evening is really fun! Be one of the first to order the unique DICE+ device!

Click to order DICE+

We are also continuing work on improvements of online game. We fixed a few game errors and added 18 new emoticons as recommended by players. In main menu we added game settings window (“hotseat”, bluetooth-game, GameCenter game).

Full list of changes for version 1.5.6:

– Fixed bug in game rules when moving checkers from bar
– Fixed bug with display of dice when “move confirmation” is enabled
– Changed settings interface. Game settings are brough to main menu
– Added emoji emoticons
– Added DICE+ support for “Hotseat mode”
– Tourney games are distinguished in spectator view
– In spectator view bet amount is displayed
– Before rolling dice are displayed as transparent
– In “Auto roll” mode the delay before rolling happens only when Doubling cube is available
– In games with “No running” option enabled a player loses 2 points (gammon) when timing out or disconnecting from the server

Masters of Backgammon update 1.5.5

hostgatorDear players, our provider Hostgator, on which we have our online server started reorganization of data center without warning us of potential problems that might occur. As a result during last two weeks we had lots of disconnection issues with the server. On 7th of August HostGator will stop providing all services, including game server for “Backgammon Masters”. Therefore we decided to switch to a new server. We released update 1.5.5 with changed server settings and also some bug fixes. The players who don’t update game until version 1.5.5 will not be able to participate in online game starting from 7th of August. The update is available for iOS and will soon be available for Android and Mac as well.

Change list for 1.5.5:

– Changed network settings for internet game
– Fixed bug in game rules upon taking checkers off the bar
– Added auto bearoff feature in narde

Masters of Backgammon: update 1.5.4

news_buttonDear players, we are announcing the next update for Backgammon Masters which is scheduled for release at around 1st of August.
This update fixes a lot of errors, some of them critical. Additionally to the fixes the game now features an “Auto Bearoff” feature, which allows you do bear off checkers from the home board automatically. In the future, we will do our best to publish a detailed tutorial on all game modes.
We also changed interface of the main menu. We hope that the new layout will be more convenient and players won’t have to look for the Help section anymore.
We have included a list with details of changes.

List of changes:
– Fixed error in game rules where checker has to move for the value of the biggest dice if no other moves are available
– Fixed error in game rules where checker has to move for the value of both dice if such moves are available
– Fixed bug in AI game. AI can no longer offer a bet when it is not allowed.
– Fixed bug in “Move confirmation” mode
– Fixed a rare bug, when AI could not make a move
– Fixed a bug with sound after a call
– Fixed crash upon creation of internet game
– Fixed crash upon saving of single player game
– Fixed crash upon saving of play stats
– Fixed crash upon closing the application
– Fixed crash upon launching application in OSX 10.8.4
– Fixed crash in internet games
– Fixed crash upon opening player’s profile
– Fixed crash upon opening the application
– In tournament table tournaments are numbered
– Improved mechanism of reestablishing internet games in online mode
– Changed main menu interface
– Changed game menu interface
– Added “Auto Bearoff” feature, which is activated once all checkers are in home board (except Narde). Can be enabled in options.
– Added notification of unstable internet during the game

Additionally, we offer every player an opportunity to test further updates prior to releasing them. Click here and follow the instructions to join 2KB beta testers team. Once you have added your device you will receive a notification e-mail once the update is available for testing.

We thank you all for supporting the project and wish you best of luck!

Backgammon masters: update 1.5.3

smileDear players, thank you for helping us develop “Masters of Backgammon”! Today we are announcing a new update which will be available to AppStore and Google Play users within the next week.
We listened to suggestions from the players. However, we could implement only a fraction of all suggestions. We will keep working and improve the app with the future updates.

The list of changes:
– Added standard Emoji emoticons for chat
– Implemented board check for possible gammon or backgammon in cases where game ends prematurely (opponent leaves the game,times out, declines the bet or surrenders).
– Doubling cube is not active for the player who doesn’t have the right to use it
– Added mode for move confirmation. Can be enabled in the options menu
– Fixed a bug with internet connection problem
– Fixed a bug with resuming of connection to the server
– Fixed graphical bug during the game on iPhone 5
– Fixed random placement of checkers when viewing online games
– Abolished bulletin board. In the future we will offer a better method of communication in “offline” mode
– Added rating system information to the Help section

Backgammon masters: update 1.5.2

Dear players! First of all, we would like to thank you for supporting our project “Backgammon masters” and actively participating in online games and daily tournaments.
badgemobToday we are announcing the list of changes our regular update. This update will mostly affect online players, since we introduced Push-notifications. This way you will be able to immediately know about any upcoming tournaments. You will also get a notification whenever a new bonus is available. This is very convenient. In the future these notifications will be used to invite a friend to a backgammon match.


List of changes for 1.5.2:

– Viewing of detailed tournament info
– Push-notifications (tournament invitation, receiving of bonus)
– Display of badge on the apps icon (badge indicates number of unread messages)
– Fixed bug upon app launch
– Sounds notification at the ready screen
– Notification upon cancelling participation in the tournament
– The number of winning positions in a tournament depend on the number of participants
– In tournaments “Reward” has been replaced with “Prize fund”
– Help section now contains answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ)
– Ability to send color messages in chat
– Fixed bug with displaying of ELO score

Delayed Macintosh update 1.5.1

Dear players, we are doing our best to release Mac version for “Backgammon Masters” as soon as possible. However, now everything depends on Apple. We wanted to give players an opportunity to play the tournaments and have uploaded both Mac versions of the app on our website. To install the 1.5.1 version of the app please choose the right application, download it and unpack it.

“Backgammon masters” 1.5.1 is available at the AppStore

Masters of Backgammon Download Links


Dear players, to find the right version of Masters of Backgammon for your device here are the links to all the versions that are currently available:

 For iPhone:
Free version
Paid version

For iPad:
Free HD version
Paid HD version

For Android OS:
Free version
Paid version

For Mac OS:
Free version
Paid version

Backgammon masters: update 1.5.1

Dear players, update 1.5.1. is available for download for iOS and Android. Mac update will be available in following days and we will have separate notification. Now players will be able to participate in daily tournaments to find out the best player. Tournaments will be in beta test phase. If there are any bugs during the tournament, we kindly ask you to report them to tech support. Full list of changes for update 1.5.1:

  • Tournaments in lobby by Play-Off system (the tournament ends for the loser). Any player can participate in tournament. There will be daily, weekly and monthly tournaments. The winners receive gold as reward. More information on tournaments will be published in news board
  • Before starting a match in online game a window is displayed where every player has to confirm that he or she is ready
  • Fixed bug with displaying of ELO score at the end of the match
  • Fixed bug in game lobby
  • Fixed bug in shop
  • Mandatory authorization for online games. Online games will no longer be available for guest users

Dice fairness issue

We decided to write an article on how dices are generated in “Backgammon Masters”. Recently we started receiving many complaints from players, asking to “fix” the random dice generator. Many players expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that dice in game aren’t being rolled like in real backgammon. Some players tried to convince us that the opponent gets the best combinations and asked us to remove this function. Naturally, many players complained about doubles. We were recommended to remove the frequent doubles so the game is more realistic.
But how are dice really generated? It’s all very simple. There are no tricks, bindings to specific players or positions and dice numbers are completely random. A random number from 1 to 6 is generated for every dice roll. The numbers are generated using random number algorithm Mersenne twister. This algorithm is used in many programs (for example, GNU Backgammon) and is one of the best ones, capable of generating an endless sequence of random numbers. We tested the system and generated 1 billion values. After this it was obvious that the chance of getting every dice combination is equal and that these values are completely random.
Naturally, we assumed that many players will not be satisfied with such explanation and created a special function in the game that lets you check the dice generation. Since version 1.5 a new way of checking dice randomness was added to “Backgammon Masters”.
Note: The current option is available only for online games.
Click here (https://2kbgames.com/backgammon/rolls_en.html) for instructions on how to check fairness of dice.
The idea of the method is the fact that upon finishing the game you can check the list of all dice rolled throughout the game and compare the values with the sequence of dice generated on our site. By comparing the values you can confirm that dice rolls are honest and being generated according to the algorithm. The same Mersenne twister algorithm is being used both in game and on our site.
We hope that this detailed post has provided you with extensive information on how random dice generation occurs in “Backgammon Masters”.
We would like to remind you that game of backgammon is a mix of both luck and skill.
Thank you for your attention and we wish you many successful games!

Backgammon masters: update 1.5.0


Dear players, we have submitted to Apple one of the most interesting updates so far. What so interesting in this update? Additionally to existing game modes, there will be a new game mode for gold coins. The games will become more exciting and fun. You can see the full list of changes below.


  • Games for virtual money (gold coins)
  • Game lobby now has a new section for money games
  • Receiving of gold coins in form of bonus every 6 hours and also for registration!
  • Players mini profile can be seen on the main menu. Option to purchase gold coins at the Shop.
  • Main menu is divided into 2 sections: a seperate menu for online game and another one for single player game, hotseat game and others.
  • The cube generation in internet game is now done on the server. The random algorythm used for generation is Mersenne Twister.
  • “Help” section has been moved to a seperate screen. “Help” button has been placed on the main menu and illustrated in form of a pitcher.
  • It is possible to check dice generation for internet games: in last match statistics Seed and sequence of dice is being displayed. Also, don’t forget about .dices command in main chat. Read the details on our website www.2kbgames.com