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Backgammon Masters: update 1.6.5

We are happy to announce version 1.6.5 for Backgammon Masters. In the new version we implemented expected Elo change prediction before games, allowing players an easier way to track their Elo changes. We also fixed a variety of bugs and some vulnerabilities. Unlimited turn games are only available when inviting a friend to a game. This change was implemented to prevent players from abusing the mechanism by not making a move and waiting for opponent to quit the game first.

In the nearest future we are planning to move our server to Europe. We hope this will improve the connectivity for many players. See you in the game!

Change list for 1.6.5:
– Added Elo calculation for win/loss
– Game does not count if an opponent times out and a player has not borne off any checkers (for all games, except tourneys) or a player made a forbidden move (for all games, except tourneys). The player who made a forbidden move will be blocked for 60 minutes
– Changed experience counting algorithm. From now on experience will be summed from all matches, not depending on their result.
– Changed unlimited time game mode. Now this game mode is only available in games with friends
– Fixed Bluetooth game mode
– Fixed bug when game does not launch via push notification
– In one touch move the bigger dice is always shown first
– Fixed crashes

Android Beta Testing

Starting from today you can become a beta tester for Android. If you are having problems with launching the app or experience crashes, we recommend you to participate in beta testing of the app.

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Backgammon Masters: update 1.6.3

Greetings, players! Update 1.6.3 will be available in the following days. We implemented several changes in various aspects of the game. From now on tournaments will be more frequent and all players will be able to see tournament notifications. We have implemented rating for tourney wins and winners will receive medals. We also fixed several crashes, bug upon tournament registration and an error in game rules.

Change list for 1.6.3:

– Tourneys now take place every 3 hours
– Player gets awarded a medal for winning a tourney. Medals are displayed in player’s profile.
– Added rating list for players by medals.
– Various event notifications are now displayed at the main menu (for example, tourney notifications)
– Added ability to view upcoming tourney schedule in the “Tournament” section
– Added option to transfer gold between friends
– Added “Options” button for chat where players can read game rules and change message color
– From now on local time will be displayed in news and tourneys (before it was server time)
– Improved design of certain game elements
– Added falling gold effect upon bonus
– As of now the maximum amount of money that can be won in internet game cannot exceed the amount of coins of either player (before this the win sum was limited by gold of losing player)
– Fixed bug in game rules related to bearing off
– Fixed tournament notifications bug
– Fixed various bugs and crashes

Backgammon Masters: update 1.6.2

We are happy to announce new version 1.6.2. of “Backgammon Masters”. We added a new game mode “One touch move” and we really hope that you will like it. We also implemented some interface changes and updated game rules.

Change list for 1.6.2:

– Main chat displays the number of active and total players in the chat room
– Main chat displays last 10 messages
– Doubling cube moves to the side which has the right to raise
– Added game mode “One touch move”. Click once on the checker to make it move. If a checker can move both with first and second dice then player can change the order of dice. This option can be enabled in “Settings” and is turned off by default.
– Added status indicators for friends upon inviting to a game. Red indicator – your friend is busy and not available for a game, green indicator – your friend is online and ready to play. No indicator – friend has not connected to the game and invitation is only possible via push-notification.
– Added notification in mini-profile upon changes in friends list
– Graphical interface changes
– Lowered price for friend list expansion 2 times
– Icons adapted for iOS 7
– Backgammon style is indicated upon inviting to a game
– Fixed bug in game rules. This bug allowed not to use both dice as required.
– Fixed bug upon calculating game results for a backgammon win
– Fixed various bugs and crashes

Backgammon Masters: update 1.6.0

friends_ruDear players, we would like to share some information about the upcoming update. This time we added a lot of new features. Now players can add others to their friend list and invite to a game using Push-notifications. This way one can invite a player to game even if they aren’t online. In the future we plan on adding private messaging between friends. We also added a black list which allows to ignore unfavorable players both in chat and in game lobby.

We also fixed a bug with font display on iPad Mini (1st generation).

The current update has been sent to Apple for review and will be available in the nearest future.

Happy gaming and thank you for your support!

In the future versions we will concentrate on internet game stability and tourneys.

Change list for version 1.6:

– Added friend system and black list
– Added a filtering system in chat and games based on black list
– Added option to invite friends to game using Push-notifications
– Added support for Mac with Retina Display
– Added section “Penalties” in internet game rules
– Fixed critical bug related to iPad Mini
– Fixed bug upon game with DICE+
– Fixed bug related to display of dice roll statistics
– Fixed various small bugs

Backgammon Masters: update 1.5.11

Version 1.5.11 is available! In the new version we implemented individual dice roll statistics for every player and a way to check them. You can check dice roll statistics in the statistics section where you will see: total stats, last match stats, game history and rating. Why is this needed? First of all, to see how fair are dice generated in the game. Furthermore, we changed the update mechanism. Now the game resources will be downloaded separately from our servers. This allowed us to reduce game size drastically. This should make future updates faster. Good luck in the game!

Change list for 1.5.11:
– Added Christmas theme
– Added total statistics for dice rolls in internet game
– Implemented resource downloading from server. Reduced size of original application
– Updated “Help” section
– Fixed various small bugs

Backgammon Masters: update 1.5.10

Dear players, update 1.5.10 will soon be available free for download on iOS, Mac and Android. This update includes new extra options and also improves stability of the game as we have fixed a lot of bugs. Online game will not be available on the old version anymore. Here is the full change list:

– Added name change option in online game. Button to change name can be found in player’s profile
– Added option to reset statistics and ranking. Button to reset statistics can be found in online statistics section
– Added connectivity indicator in game lobby
– Added iOS 7 keyboard
– Fixed bug relating to hang ups of internet game
– Fixed all known crashes
– Fixed bug in Old English game when playing against AI
– Fixed various small bugs

Backgammon Masters: update 1.5.9.

Dear players, we are happy to announce that update 1.5.9 for Backgammon Masters is available. We completely redesigned match results window and added a rematch option. We also fixed a lot of bugs.

Change list for update 1.5.9:

– Added rematch option. “Rematch” button can be found at match result window. The rematch match has the same rules as the previous match. Rematch begins after mutual agreement of players
– Added chat in match result window
– Changed match result window
– Changed rating result placement. Now they are displayed in match result window
– Changed “Move confirmation” mode. Now move confirmation will be automatic once timer ends and the move is completed but not yet confirmed. Previously this led to a “You didn’t make a move” notice
– Changed local statistics. Upon leaving the match the loss is displayed in statistics
– Fixed bug in “Leave App Review” window for iOS7
– Fixed crash in Bluetooth game
– Fixed crash in GameCenter
– Fixed crash upon bet raise after end of turn
– Fixed rare bug, which lead to match hanging up
– Fixed various bugs and crashes

Backgammon masters: update 1.5.8

Dear players, we are happy to announce that soon we will release update 1.5.8 in which we added iOS7 support and also fixed lots of game bugs and crashes.

List of changes for 1.5.8:

– Added iOS 7 support
– Fixed surrender bug
– Fixed several bugs which lead to application crash
– Fixed last match statistics display
– Fixed online bug that lead to hanging up of a match
– Fixed various small bugs
– Fixed bug at end of match upon bearing off the last checker from the board
– Fixed bug which lead to frequent display of “Awaiting opponent’s response” message
– Fixed bug upon launching the game, which prompted user to turn on Bluetooth
– Fixed bug in “Hotseat” mode which wrongly showed unfinished game message

Backgammon Masters: update 1.5.7

Quick phrasesDear players, we are announcing the next update for Backgammon Masters which already available for free update.

Change list of update 1.5.7:
– Added quick texts for chat during the game
– Implemented system for sending of crash reports to developers
– Added notification of points that you will lose upon: surrendering, refusing a bet, quitting the game
– Upon quitting the game\losing connection the player receives a gammon lose (2 points) if no checkers were borne off
– A player can surrender when one of the players has all the checkers in home board. Surrender requires opponent’s confirmation. If opponent confirms surrender, then he wins. Otherwise, the game goes on. Amount of points lost upon surrender are calculated automatically and shown to both players
– Fixed crash upon game start
– Fixed bug in game rules where with all checkers in home board some moves are prohibited
– Fixed bug in game rules which allowed to use only one dice
– Fixed bug with emoticon selection (iPhone)
– Fixed bug with display of money games in spectators view
– Fixed bug with bet raise
– Changed some interface elements
– Fixed various other minor bugs