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Backgammon masters: update 1.4.13

Dear backgammon masters! We are happy to announce the release of update 1.4.13, which will be available for download during the week. The main feature of this update – improved stability of online games.


  • Fixed bug with move undo
  • Fixed bug with counting of borne off checkers for the match
  • Fixed bug with doubling during game against AI in backgammon
  • Fixed bug with board change during online game
  • Fixed bug with password length in online games
  • Fixed bug with joining a password protected online game
  • Fixed game hang up during online games
  • Changed time out system for online games, allowing to play with unstable internet
  • Ability to view game time in players mini-profile
  • Ability to view city in players mini-profile
  • The side panel no longer displays at the beginning of the game. To open it one must press the side button
  • Added indication to show which side is making the move
  • “City” field was added in players profile
  • Surrender is only possible when all of opponents checkers are in home
  • Added server restart notification
  • Game statistics (after finishing a game) indicate points til victory
  • Points til victory are indicated at the right panel during the game
  • Changed point calculation in online game. If the opponent left the game and did not manage to make a move, you get the amount of points that you would get in a completed match or the maximum amount of points in the match.
  • Added shop button to the main menu.

Backgammon masters: update 1.4.12

Dear players, update 1.4.12 (1.1.12 for free version) will be available in the following days. We would like to give you a list of changes in the latest version.

  • Fixed a rare bug with coding in chat upon registration
  • Fixed glitch with chat button during the game
  • Fixed bug related to restoring boards during the game
  • Improved backgammon rules: In case if player cannot use 2 dice, then player should select the one with largest count. Old English Backgammon is an exception where you can use any dice.
  • Added notification to purchase new boards
  • Fixed a bug in games via GameCenter
  • Fixed bug with tablet rotation
  • Fixed bug with internet game lag
  • Fixed bug with option to roll dice in rare case when all pieces are blocked and there is no way to move
  • Fixed bug which occurred after using the “Surrender” option
  • Fixed bug during game watching

Backgammon masters: Mac version 1.4.11

Because of the temporary absence “Backgammon masters” of the Mac AppStore the full version can be downloaded here:

Update: “Masters of Backgammon” app version 1.4.11 is once again available at the Mac App Store.

Backgammon masters: update 1.4.11

Dear players, update 1.4.11 (1.1.11 for free version) will be available in the following days. We would like to give you a list of changes in the latest version.

  • Improved stability of online games.
  • Enabled reconnection to server after short disconnects. Now players with unstable internet connection will not have any issues playing. However, there is a limit of 20 seconds for session restore. If during this time period the connection does not resume, then the game ends with loss of the player and return to main menu.
  • Notification of malfunction which might occur upon long term reconnection to the server.
  • Added terms of use upon registration in chat. Upon registration the player will have to accept the terms of behaving in chat and game. Registered players can read the rules by pressing the white i button in lower right corner of opened chat.
  • Fixed bug with timer upon rolling the dice. Increase time of showing timer to 30 seconds. The timer will not be hidden when there will be less than 30 seconds left.
  • Portuguese localisation. Now the app is fully translated in Portuguese thanks to Marcelo Ladeira. Let’s thank him for the effort!
  • Fixed crashes upon launching app on Mac version.
  • Added statistics of last 25 matches in online game statistics section. The list shows chronology of last internet matches. The list shows who was the opponent, result of the match and points. The history is being saved on players device and is not synchronized via server and does not affect calculation of overall statistics.
  • Added notification of settings with 15 second timer for move. We do not recommend playing with these settings if you have problems with internet connection (for example, 3G). This mode is recommended for devices with WiFi connection. We recommend playing with 30 seconds timer for 3G connection.

Happy New Year!

Dear players! We congratulate you with the upcoming New Year! We wish you all the best! Let the New Year bring you lots happiness and joy! Development of the project goes on. We are thankful for your feedback and support. In the upcoming update we are implementing all that you wished for so much including improved AI and tournaments. Be happy!

Backgammon masters: update 1.4.10

Dear backgammon masters!

We are happy to announce the release of update 1.4.10., which is available for download.

Full list of changes:

  • Fixed graphics bug on the new iPad
  • Fixed checker movement bug on iPhone 5
  • Fixed various minor bugs
  • Fixed reputation bug
  • Fixed bug with frequent server reconnections
  • Fixed bug with dice rolling animation lag
  • Improved internet game stability
  • Implemented correct e-mail format check upon registration
  • Optimized interface loading
  • Added effects which help to see checker movement direction and the side you are playing as.
  • Added ability to set unlimited time for moves in online game
  • Added scrolling for each table
  • Added greeting screen

We also reworked the free version. Implemented iAd and added an option to buy an “online package” for lowered price. Now players of all versions can enjoy the online game.

Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Special offer! Backgammon Masters HD for free

To celebrate release of application “Backgammon Masters HD”, featuring fantastic graphics for iPad, we are offering the app for free. The app supports all versions of iPad including those with Retina display. Take chance of this opportunity and play with people from all over the world.
This offer is active until 14th of December.

iTunes link: Backgammon Masters HD

Masters of Backgammon HD

We are happy to announce our new product Masters of Backgammon HD. The app was designed specially for iPad with Retina Display support. The game has become more enjoyable and interesting. Get Masters of Backgammon today with beautiful graphics.

Link to iTunes: Masters of Backgammon HD

Backgammon masters: update 1.4.9

Dear friends! We finished work upon the regular Backgammon Masters update. The main feature of this update is iPhone 5 support (and also iPod Touch 5G) and notable changes in internet game.
We plan to release the update at the beginning of December.

List of changes:
– Full iPhone 5 support
– iOS 6.0 support
– No longer supporting old ARMv6 platform
– Display of player panel on the board upon beginning of match
– Remade game lobby
– Settings for online games (time limit, point limit, no running, password for private games)
– Reputation. Option to leave a vote for the opponent. Players with bad reputation will have red nick names, players with good reputation will have green nick names.
– “No running” option will forbid player to leave the game. Otherwise, one of the players is able to run from the game.
– Added a confirmation window upon leaving a multiplayer game
– Added timer for increasing of bet
– Added “Hotseat” statistics (two player game on a single device)
– Added an option to view last match statistics in the menu. The last match statistics can be viewed only for AI game, “Hotseat” and online game.
– Changed algorithm for calculating game result. For leaving the game or getting a timeout, the player who stays gets maximum points for the current match.
– Interface buttons now have a Russian translation
– Changed interface. Added transitions between windows.
– Fixed various bugs.

50% discount

Attention, discount time! Dear players, starting from Friday, 23th of November til Monday, 26th of November Masters of Backgammon for iOS and Mac will be discounted for 50%! Invite your friends, get a gift for your close ones and enjoy the game of backgammon! We would also want to inform you that soon we will publish news regarding changes in soon to be released version 1.4.9. and the precise release date. Follow the news!