Backgammon Masters: update 1.7.9
Today we released a minor update which mostly affects tournaments. From now on each match on a regular tournament will have a limit until two points, which gives players another chance to win in case of a loss. Time per move was also changed. More details below.
List of changes:
– Quick “Sit&Go” tournaments are no longer displayed at the lower part of the tournament menu, only regular tournaments.
– 64 player limitation has been removed from regular tournaments. Now any amount of maximum players can register for a tournament, however the minimum amount is limited to 32 participants. If there are only less than 32 people registered for the tournament, it will be cancelled.
– Each match in regular tournaments now lasts until 2 points. This means that each player has a way to regain lead by winning with 2:1 and progressing to the next tour. Bet cube in tournaments is now available and the winning mode (backgammon, gammon) affects points at the end of the game.
– Changed time per move for quick “Sit&Go” tournaments and regular tournaments. Just like stated in international rules there are only 12 seconds per move right now and additional time (red timer) which is allocated for the whole match (all rounds in a game between two players). For quick “Sit&Go” tournaments this time is 2 minutes, for regular tournaments – 4 minutes, since in regular tourneys game lasts until two points. This way tournament games will become faster. Allocate your time wisely so you have enough additional time for the entire match.
– “Time” field has been added to the readiness window. First value indicates green timer (time per move which refills), second value indicates the red timer (additional time for the whole match that doesn’t refill).
– Fixed a bug in player readiness window with “Ready” button not always working
– Tour number, point limit and current score is now displayed on the left side of the board
– Removed holiday theme
– Fixed bug in game logic
– Fixed minor bugs
– Fixed launch bug on OS X versions under 10.10